Everyone thinks about a better life for himself and his family, wants to get some new opportunities for development or just start life in a new place.
The Republic of Belarus is an ideal place for a quiet life, if you do not want to deal with megacities, noisy streets, traffic jams and lack of greenery.
Belarus is a safe country (107th out of 123 in terms of crime), where you will fall in love with its picturesque nature, extensive Park areas in cities, numerous reserves, lakes and rivers, comfortable prices for everything you need. But, we will talk about all in order!
Further, the article presents all the necessary information for those who decided to choose Belarus as their place of life and work.
The first thing that interests everyone: how do people live in this country? Is it better?
To answer this question, let’s talk about such an important indicator as the quality of life.
Quality of life
This indicator depends on many factors: both intangible and material. The main points of the quality of life assessment are presented in the image below.

According to the latest data from the Numbeo service, which annually publishes the quality of life index for Country 2019, Belarus bypassed the nearest post-Soviet countries (Russia with its 59th place and Ukraine with 62nd place) and took the 37th position, but, according to tradition, lost to the countries belonging to the European Union (Lithuania took the 29th place, Latvia-the 34th, and Poland was on the 35th position)
The leaders in the list of quality of life were Denmark, Switzerland and Finland.
Permission for the work
The most important thing about moving to another country is “how to have earnings”. Of course, you can have your own financial decisions, however, Belarus offers its new tenants its own options.
So, let’s talk about a work permit in Belarus.
According to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union between Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, which entered into force on January 1, 2015, residents of these countries can work in the countries of the Member States of the Treaty.
“At the same time, workers of the Member States do not need to obtain a permit to work in the state of employment. The term of temporary stay (residence) of the employee of the member state and family members in the territory of the state of employment is determined by the term of the labor or civil contract concluded by the employee of the member state with the employer or customer of works (services) ” — according to the Ministry of labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus.
For citizens who are not members of the States members of the economic Union (above), the labor migration act stipulates that: a foreigner without a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Belarus must obtain a special permit to take employment in the Republic of Belarus, which is issued at the request of the employer of the Republic of Belarus.
Salaries and professions
To start the topic of salaries, we should talk about what is deducted from it — yes, it will be about the taxation of work.
In Belarus, the Tax Code is a key document of tax legislation. For those who want to get acquainted with the document in more detail: the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 224-3 of 30.12.2014 “on amendments and additions to the Tax code of the Republic of Belarus”.
At the moment the following income tax rates are used in the country:
- on income received as dividends – 13%;
- income from the activities of entrepreneurs, lawyers, notaries – 16%;
- on the income of individuals and individual entrepreneurs associated with the Park of high technologies – 9%;
- the amount of fixed amounts of tax on income from the delivery of real estate and for individuals is determined by the regional and Minsk city Councils of deputies.
- for individuals on all other income -13%.
More information can be found on the website.
When viewing the following data, keep in mind that the specified salaries WITHOUT paying taxes.
In-demand professions
Of course, your salary depends on your chosen profession. Therefore, we will talk first about which specialists are more in demand in Belarus, and after that-which ones are paid more.
The shortage of personnel is increasing in Belarus. At the moment there are about 95 thousand offers in the Republican database of vacancies!
This fact opened the possibility for easier employment for foreign citizens: according to the Department of labor and migration of the Ministry of internal Affairs, in the 1st half of 2019, about 10 thousand people arrived in Belarus to work.
Source: http://gsz.gov.by/
Top offers by number of vacancies:
- car driver — 4.5 thousand vacancies
- tractor driver – almost 3 thousand
- seller – about 2.5 thousand work options
- cook – ~ 2 thousand vacancies
- electric and gas welder – 1100 places
- electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment-1200
- road worker – 500 offers.
The field of medicine:
Belarus offers 4240 vacancies for medical specialists (doctors) and about 3 thousand for Junior medical personnel.
Professions which are well paid
The following is a combined table of the top monetary professions for 2019-2020 in Belarus.

Of course, programmers lead the way. No wonder Belarus is famous for its IT-specialists. Not inferior places in the lists of the highest salaries and applied specialties: mechanics, welders, builders, miners, installers, etc..
Also, keep the top 7 most promising destinations in Belarus:
- 1. IT-technologies.
- 2. Jurisprudence.
- 3. Aviation.
- 4. Dentistry.
- 5. Insurance
- 6. Engineering.
- 7. Production.
A little about the average salary:
According to the portal myfin.by the average salary in Belarus in September was:

Dynamics of average monthly salaries in Belarus in dollars USA:

Average salary in Belarus by month from 2016 to 2019:

Salary situation in the regions looks like: Minsk still occupies a leading position, the lowest salaries are in the Mogilev region.
Below you can study a comparative analysis from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of the average salary at the beginning of 2019 for individual areas:
- Minsk — 1 370, 30 rubles ( ~ 681,7 $)
- Minsk region – 996,40 rubles (~ 495,7 $)
- Gomel region — 907,90 rubles (~ 451,7 $)
- Brest region — 874,70 rubles ( ~ 435,2 $)
- Grodno region — 885,30 rubles ( ~ 440.4 $)
- Vitebsk region — 848,20 rubles ( ~ 421,9 $)
- Mogilev region – 836,70 rubles (~ 416,3 $)
Separately, let’s talk about the salaries of employees in budget organizations (state employees). In Belarus, from 2020, a new wage scheme will be introduced for employees on the state budget: the tariff rate of the 1st category is replaced by the base rate of 180 rubles ( ~ 87.8 $), allowances and surcharges will be established centrally.
The average salary of state employees in January–June 2019 amounted to 800.9 rubles ( ~ 390.7 $).
It is planned that in January–December 2019, public sector salaries will increase by an average of 10 rubles (~ 4.87 $) and will continue to increase to 80% of the average salary in the country.

Doctors in June 2019, according to Belstat, received an average of 1 439.3 rubles ( ~ 702.1 $), the average medical staff-896 rubles ( ~ 437.1 $). In this case, it is appropriate to mention that the rates for each medical specialty vary: both at the place of work, and there by specialization.
In education the average salary for June 2019 was 760 rubles (~ 370.7 $): for example, teachers receive an average, according to Belstat, 906.3 rubles (~442.1 $).
Hello I’m James, from Togo, how can I get my working permit to Berlarus
Hello there
What about learning the language both Belarusian and Russian. If you live there, do you provide free lessons on it?
Thank you
Theo Christakos
Hello. We are not an official website of the Belarusian Ministry of Tourism. You can find out where you can learn Russian in Belarus here https://www.visit-belarus.com/en/learn-russian-belarus/
Unfortunately, we don’t know any places where they teach Belarusian in English offline but to live in the country, Russian is sufficient.
I can drive I have been driving in Saudi Arabia for 5 years