When there is an electronic music concert, an exhibition about Belarusian mythology, a typography festival, an organ music festival, a bicycle week, an Olympic Games opening festival, a design week and a romantic evening in the Planetarium …
We’ve selected the 8 best events of May 2019 especially for you, both free and paid, to which every self-respecting person should get on the eve of the summer.
Go for the bright impressions!
375 electronic music festival

What: electronic music festival
Where: str. Oktjabr’skaja 16, Creative cluster Ok16
When: 11 of May at 23:00
Price: 15 rub. till 10.05, at the entrance — 20 rub., You can book online.
Are you a fan of electronics and informal meetings? Then this festival is a must see. The 6th «375 electronic music festival» begins on the 11th of May in the Creative cluster Ok16.
Surrender to the spirit of true rave on the 4 dance floors of the Cluster:
• SIJaNIE : Raketka / Budzko / Vitalski / Niamiha / Odeb (live)
• 1-2-3-4 : Verde / Mihas / Foundamental Dj’s / Salut 80 / Morgotika / Azbukin
• PANICA: Kaktus / Graynevski / Sncf / Marik
• KILLA : Red Catz / Outer Space / Magic / Jet / Mad Mause
Minsk Design Week 2019

What: an exhibition
Where: sq. Svobody 23а, Upper Town
When: from 1 till 10 of May.
Price: free
How could live Minsk without its Design Week? The festival organizers in the Upper Town, the embankment of the Svisloch River and the Ok16 Creative Cluster provide a unique program for the guests of the capital from May 1–10. It’s time to see our Minsk from a completely new side.
10 days (until April 30), 13 copyright pavilions will be erected on the territory of the Ok16 cultural hub and their subsequent installation from May 1 to 2 on the territory of the Upper Town: Pavilion FRAME and PAVUK (Poland), NEBO (Russia), DOM, Lightroom and SHOU-SUGI-BAN (Ireland, Finland), Sky is the Limit and I’M (Belarus), MINSK DESIGN WEEK PAVILION BY CLAP STUDIO (Spain), EQUILEVITY (Armenia, In BETween (Brasil), Projection, New Zybitskay Model from Urban Platform.
Also guests can take part in:
- lectures and workshops from: Lyapis Trubetskoy and the organizer of the festival “SPRAVA”, architects from different countries
- discussion of leading architectural bureaus ZROBIM and Bjuro/35.
- Fashion shows and workshops;
- Best music from SnopSnow, Teleport, Evga, R-Factor, Dj Flash, Malika, Altana and others.

What: print art festival
Where: str. Oktjabr’skaja19, Gallery «У»
When: 19 May
Price: free
ProPrynt is a 2-day festival of print art!
At the festival you can purchase art and design works on paper (photography, lithography, shovografiya, linocut, etching, etc.), make acquaintance with artists and painters of Belarus, attend unique master classes, lectures, and participate in discussions.
ProPrynt is a great opportunity to understand and feel the difference between a postcard and etching; find out where and how best to place artwork in the interior and understand the value of the poster and lithography; finally feel the difference between cheap art and expensive.
Рro&pro (professionals and profane) — never know who you will become!
Belarusian Organ Fest

What: concert of the organ music
Where: avenue Nezavisimosti 50
When: 16 of May at 19:00
Price: from 8 rubl.
How long have you been attached to the high? You have this opportunity in May: after all, the Belarusian Organ Fest will be held in Minsk.
The rich sound of the organ takes us into the romantic past and adjusts the thoughts to the desired mode.
In a programme: I.S.Bah, L.N.Klerambo, G.F.Teleman, L.Marshan, L.Bjol’man, K.Sen-Sans, Sh.M.Vidor, O.Podgajskaja
Learn more about best festivals of Belarus in 2019.
Sand Sculpture Festival

What: an art exhibition
Where: str. Orlovskaja 80, Dreamland
When: from 1 May from 11:00 till 20:00
Price: 10 rub at work days, 12 rub — at weekends.
Children till 3 year — free.
Children 4−16 year — 5 rub at work days, 7 rub — at weekends.
Preferential: 7 rub at work days, 9 rub — at weekends.
First — the Magic Lantern Park, now a unique Festival of sand figures — the Dreamland Picnic-Park never ceases to amaze its guests.
The theme of the festival is especially enticing – the mythology of Belarus. The gods and spirits of various legends appear before you in the form of sand statues.
Here you can get acquainted with the giant dragon “Tsmok”, the powerful “Pyarun”, the resurrected “Iron Man” and “Wolverine”, but these are not comic book characters, but characters from legends and tales of ancient Belarus. In Dreamland you can see a piece of an incredible history of blue-eyed myths.
And, of course, how without pleasant walks in the park, delicious hot food at the gastronomic site, and if you wish, you can give plenty of fun to the children in the “Rope Town”, “The House of the Inverter”, “Mirror Maze” and others.
Folk Observatory

What: star observations
Where: str. frunze2, Minsk Planetarium
When: Evening observations: Wednesday – Sunday (the time changes daily and is indicated in the header of the site) Daytime observations of the Sun: Saturday – Sunday (from 12.00 to 15.00) in clear weather Monday, Tuesday – weekend
Price: for children – 2 rubles, for adults – 2.5 rubles. The cost of an individual session of the service is 5 rubles. (by request for individual visitors or for groups of up to 8 people)
A warm May night, a loved one is near, and the sky above is clear — everything is in the stars…. Sounds like a dream? It is not true, everything is available.
After all, the observatory of the Minsk Planetarium has already opened the season of observations. Every romantic will be able to admire through a telescope double and multiple stars, star clusters, galaxies, planets, the moon, the sun, etc.
A new telescope has been installed in the tower to observe solar activity in the hydrogen line this year.
By the way, the old tradition of free observations will continue this season!
But, do not forget to check the weather on the day of the visit, be sure to check the information on the same evening on the website http://www.observatory.planetarium.by/
International Minsk Bicycle Week

What: activity
Where: avenue Pobediteley, Minsk
When: from 11 to 19 of May
Price: free The International Minsk Cycle Week will be held for the first time from May 11th (all the most significant cycling events of our country at once).
These events will begin with the International Competition in cycling on the highway EUROPE TOUR UCI “Minsk Cup” and “Grand Prix of Minsk”.
Some programs:
11-12 May: competition on the highway EUROPE TOUR UCI “Cup of Minsk” and “Grand Prix of Minsk”.
12 May: «Velomiss-2019».
18 May: «Viva rovar!» cycle carnival.
16-19 May:International competitions in cycling on the track “Grand Prix of Minsk”.
Bright Festival

What: concert
Where: str. Kirova 8/4, Minsk stadium Dynamo
When: 11 of May at15:00
Price: from 25 rub.
«BRIGHT FESTIVAL — European games start here !!! ” — They are so waited! On May 11th at the Minsk Dinamo stadium J: Morse, Lyapis-98, Casta and Svetlana Loboda!
II European games will start much earlier than expected!
From 15:00 more than fifty entertainment areas in the Dynamo stadium are waiting for guests. The festival will organize work of sports grounds from sports federations of Belarus, interactive sites of youth organizations of the Belarusian State University, a meeting with Belarusian sports stars, youth subcultures, sports and creative competitions, song and dance battles, creative youth projects, active recreation areas, relaxation zone , contests, photo zones, master classes, and much more.
At the Bright Festival you can interview and comment on invited guests: Belarusian sports stars, bloggers and officials.
Of course, there will be a lot of food: 80+ food courts will satisfy any gastronomic request.
Are you planning to visit Minsk? So you should read this.
It was the top 8 events in Minsk in May 2019. Subscribe to us on social networks in order not to miss the top of the next month!